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Pros and Cons of Various Home Plumbing Systems

If you’re looking to have your home’s plumbing system re-done, or simply want to know more details about your current plumbing system, then you’ve come to the right spot. While there are a wide variety of plumbing types historically used in homes, here we will be discussing the types of home plumbing systems being installed today, and the pros and cons of each.

Pros and Cons of Various Home Plumbing Systems

Copper Plumbing Systems

Copper pipes have been used in homes sine the 1960’s and are one of the most common plumbing systems we see. They come in a variety of sizes to be used for indoor or outdoor plumbing, but we’re going to be talking simply about indoor plumbing here.

Pros of Copper Pipes:

  • Not overly prone to leaks
  • Will not pollute drinking water
  • Tolerant to extreme heat
  • Long life span
  • Extremely durable

Cons of Copper Pipes

  • Expensive
  • Can contain lead in the solder with older homes

PVC Plumbing Systems

One of the more inexpensive types of plumbing used today is PVC plumbing. PVC standings for polyvinyl chloride pipes, and more homes either use the base PVC pipes, or the more advanced CPVC; which stands for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipes. CPVC pipes simply include extra chloride in their construction, making them safe for drinking water.

Pros of PVC

  • Won’t Rust
  • Ideal for drain lines
  • Can easily handle high pressure
  • Easy to work with
  • Inexpensive
  • CPVC is more flexible than PVC

Cons of PVC

  • CPVC can split if the water in the pipe freezes
  • PVC isn’t ideal for extremely hot water

PEX Plumbing Systems

If anyone has every heard of polybutylene plumbing systems, PEX is essentially a very similar type of plumbing system, just without all the downsides. In fact, PEX, also known as cross-linked polyethylene pipes, is usually what a plumber will use to retrofit a home which previous had polybutylene pipes.

Pros of PEX:

  • Ideal for retrofitting
  • Heat resistant
  • Extremely workable
  • Easy to install

Cons of PEX:

  • Alleged possibility of contaminating water (not proven)

What Plumbing System is Best for my Home?

When all is said and done, which plumbing system is going to be best for your home will really be determined on a case-by-case basis. For this reason, it is best to consult with an experienced Maryland plumber such as the experts at Michael Runk heating and plumbing. Michael Runk has been in the plumbing business for over 20 years and has the experience and skill to help you install or replace your home’s plumbing quickly and at an affordable price. For more information, give Michael Runk a call at 410-781-6791 or fill out the form on our website today!

The Value of Experience

Nothing compares to experience when you need a good plumber. While an inexperienced plumber may do a shoddy job, charge more for more time, respond

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If you’re looking for a plumber for repairs or installations at your place of work, you’re looking for 3 things: speed, reliability, and affordability. Michael