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Plumbing Issues in Older Homes

Older homes can be extraordinarily beautiful, but they can also come with a lot of problems. One area that many homeowners of older homes experience is with their plumbing. If your old home hasn’t had many plumbing updates over the years there could be some problems brewing within those walls.

A row of brownstone homes

Pipe Problems

Pipe problems are a major cause of plumbing issues in older homes. Over time, old pipes begin to break down, causing leaks, low pressure, and sometimes discolored water. Many older homes used galvanized piping, rather than more modern alternatives. Though galvanized piping offers a short term solution, it doesn’t last forever. This coating inevitably degrades and rust can end up in the water.

Another common pipe problem in older homes is clogs in exterior piping. As pipes contract and expand they can become more prone to clogging or breaking, leading to leaks. Additionally, outdoor piping is also susceptible to damage from tree roots if you live in an area with a lot of tree growth. This type of pipe problem can lead to water pressure issues as well as sewage issues.

Drainage Problems

In addition to outdoor drainage problems from the water lines in the home, drains throughout the home can become susceptible to clogs because of the amount of use they’ve had. Over time drains and pipes encounter a lot of dirt and grease that will slowly build up over time. Even if you clean your drains regularly, the longer the drains have been in use the more often they are likely to clog.

Fixture Problems

Fixture problems are another common issue in older homes, especially when homeowners are trying to retain original fixtures. Things like faucets, sinks and bathroom hardware begin to degrade over time making them susceptible to breakage and leaking. By replacing original fixtures you can prevent headaches in the future. Many historic style fixtures are available, and replacing them may prevent you from running into major issues in the future.

Is Your Historic Home Racked with Plumbing Problems?

Older homes come with their own set of challenges, but they aren’t anything a good plumber can’t handle. If you are having any of these plumbing concerns in your home call us at Michael Runk Plumbing and Heating today. We are here for you and your Carroll County plumbing needs!

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