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5 Ways to Save Water in Your Home

Whether you have a well or are on city water, limiting your water consumption is a great way to help reduce your environmental impact while also lowering your expenses. Let’s look at some ways to save water in your home that are easy yet effective.

A running faucet

Address Leaks

One of the biggest ways you can limit your water usage is to find leaks and address them immediately. A dripping faucet may seem like a minor issue, but over time it uses a substantial amount of water you could otherwise be saving. Likewise a running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water in a single day, that’s a lot of wasted water! Dealing with these minor leaks quickly can end up saving you a significant amount in the long run, especially if you are on city water and you pay for your usage.

High Efficiency Appliances

High efficiency appliances are another great way to reduce the amount of water you use on a daily basis. By replacing your washer with a high efficiency washer you can cut your water usage on laundry in half. Likewise, high efficiency dishwashers can save a significant amount of water in each and every load.

Limit Usage

Limiting water usage is another great way to lower your consumption. By reducing your shower time, turning the faucet off when it’s not in use, and reducing your use of the disposal in the sink you can reduce the amount of water you use on a daily basis. If you use water each day to maintain your landscaping you might also consider replacing your plants with some that require less water.

Need New Appliances for Your Eldersburg, MD Home?

Whether you want to lower your water usage to save some money on your monthly bills, or you want to cut your usage to help the environment, there are many benefits to reducing your water consumption.

These are some simple ways you can reduce your usage without any major impact to your day to day life. If you are concerned about leaks in your home or you are interested in other ways to reduce your water consumption, call us at Michael Runk Plumbing and Heating today. Contact your Carroll County plumbing contractor today to get started!

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