Looking to save some extra money this year on your heating bill? There are a few tried and tested ways which, if done correctly, will help you save lots of money on your monthly heating bill.
Replace Windows
If you have the means, and your windows are definitely getting up there in age, it may make sense to completely replace the windows in your home. Each year windows are getting better and better at retaining heat and the newest models are very energy efficient.
Insulate the Attic
Building codes change, and the required amount of insulation for an attic in a new home is much higher than it was for homes built 10 or 20 years ago. Take some time and simply add insulation to your attic and ensure your attic door is properly insulated as well.
Re-Caulk Frames
The frames around your windows, doors, and any other openings which lead outside can be re-caulked to reduce the amount of heat which escapes. This is a quick and simple fix which can help reduce the amount of heat escaping.
Check your Heating System
If you think your heating bill is too high, it may be a leaky heating system. Heating ducts, which run throughout your home, may be leaking heat into non-insulated parts of your home such as an unfinished basement. By having your system inspected, you can save money by only heating the parts of your home which you use.
Close off Vents
If there are certain rooms in your home which you can live with not being heated, simply shut off the heat that is being pumped into that room. It won’t save you hundreds of dollars, but every drop in the bucket will help!
Check the Thermostat
Some heating systems have what is called “emergency heat” which can also show up as “EM Heat”. This type of heat requires significantly more energy to run than normal heat and should only be used during the coldest days when normal heat isn’t properly heating your home.
Wear Layers
Set your thermostat to a lower temperature and then throw on some wool socks, a warmer sweater, and roll out a few extra rugs. After a week or two you will barely notice the difference but your wallet will surely thank you.
Program the Thermostat
If you’re going to be away for a weekend, or there’s no one at home during the day, get a programmable thermostat and reduce the temperature during those times.
You should never have to choose between being comfortable in your own home and spending a ridiculous amount of money on your heating bill. With these tips, you should be able to save hundreds each month on your heating bill.