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4 Holiday Plumbing Disasters and How to Prevent Them

frozen pipe

It would be nice to make it through at least one holiday season without any “hiccups,” wouldn’t it? But the reality is that something always happens at the worst possible moment. When it comes to holiday parties, some of the biggest problems you may encounter have to do with plumbing. And our Maryland plumbers are here to help you anticipate these plumbing disasters and take the steps to prevent them whenever possible.

No Hot Water

Nothing says “welcome to our home” like a cold shower or hot water pressure dying mid-shampooing. When you have extended family members staying with you for a few days or longer, think about how this will affect your hot water use. It may help to turn up the water heater a few degrees hotter, so that less hot water is needed. It may also help to put away dishes and laundry until everyone is asleep if you are worried that the water heater won’t keep up.

If you are currently experiencing problems with irregular water pressure, it may make sense to get it looked at before the guests arrive. You could be one more shower away from a broken well pump, and having no water at all is a much bigger problem than poor water pressure.

Clogged Garbage Disposal

Holidays usually put a lot of stress on kitchen appliances and garbage disposal is no exception. It’s easy to rush and forgetfully drop into disposal things that should never go in it. As a result, your garbage disposal becomes clogged and water starts backing up. Thankfully, if you know how to take your garbage disposal apart, you’ll be able to fix the clog easily in most cases.

Clogged Toilet

Unlike a garbage disposal, toilet clogs can be much more difficult and messier to fix. They can also cause a huge inconvenience, especially if this is your only toilet in the entire house. But what can you do to stop your toilet from clogging when you need it most? Here are a few suggestions:

  • If it already shows the signs of clogging and poor drainage, call your Maryland plumber to get it fixed.
  • Don’t be embarrassed to inform your guests about the toilet rules: no flushable napkins, no feminine hygiene products, etc. They might get away with flushing these items in their own home, but if your plumbing can’t handle it, let them know.
  • Place trashcans next to each toilet if not already there.
  • Make sure young children use bathrooms under supervision.

Frozen Pipes

Considering how warm it’s been in Maryland lately, you probably won’t have to worry about frozen pipes this Christmas. It’s also unlikely that you will experience frozen pipes if you are hosting a party at your house, which will be warm and toasty for that reason. However, if you are heading away for a few days or for the entire Christmas week, and the temperature drops abruptly, you risk coming back to a big mess! To prevent this, take steps to winterize your plumbing, drain water from outdoor faucets and never turn the heat completely off when you leave, especially if you leave for a while.

And if any of these disasters strikes unexpectedly, always know who to call for emergency plumbing services in Maryland. At Michael Runk Plumbing and Heating, we offer 24/7 emergency service to help our clients get back to their festivities as soon as possible.

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